Trendalyzer view of the banking crisis

The team at “And Still I Persist” has created their own version of Hans Rosling’s “Trendalyzer” (see: Radar post) to visualize the current US banking crisis.

First lets look at the top 8 banks and their mortgages that are 90+ days late. Below is a flash charting system, feel free to use the controls and experiment. We chart the total assets of the bank along the horizontal axis, the value of loans that go 90+ days late on the vertical, and the size of the circles represent the total loan portfolio for that bank. You can set the charts in motion by hitting the “Play” button and stop them at any time. Hovering over a circle will show you the value for that data point.

Our charts step forward in time for Q1-2002 one quarter at a time, reading directly from the bank’s own FDIC reports.

Bank Portfolios – 90+ Days Late

See the original article for more about this visualization and the team that created it.

Update: Bruce Henderson invites anybody interested in working with a larger data set to take a look at the OSG Boomerang tool.

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