Radar Report on Where 2.0: The State of the Geospatial Web


The amount of geocontent on the web is expanding. With it has come an increased ability to use this data to sell location-based services that are tied to the web. Andrew Turner and I cover this shift in our new report “Where 2.0: The State of the Geospatial Web“.

In the 55 page report we examine:

  • How Web 2.0 is empowering millions to publish and contribute geocontent to open services
  • How both community and public geodata are becoming available and freely disseminated
  • How mobile devices (like the iPhone and soon via Android) are becoming location-aware and leading to new privacy and data access concerns.
  • Open formats are leading the way for open data
  • How the net has caused the rise of immersive imagery and the use of
  • How crowdsourcing is being used to build up mapping data and imagery
  • How location-based gaming platforms are on the rise, but are still looking for the category-killing game

The report ends with a directory of the most significant companies in the Where 2.0 space. For 15 of the largest companies we include acquisitions, products and key public employees.

If you’re a regular reader of my geo/mapping/location posts or an attendee of Where 2.0 then this won’t be anything new to you. However, it will collect a lot of the key information, products and companies into one document.

My co-author Andrew Turner has also written a post on the report’s release. We’ve made the first 15 pages available on Scribd.