Four Short Links: 20 Apr 2009

Camp, visualization, mistakes, and a wireless power meter hack:

  1. Toorcamp — two day hacker camp in a Titan-1 missile silo. The coolest venue evar? I think so.
  2. The Allosphere (TED) — JoAnn Kuchera-Morin demos the Allosphere, a planetarium-like sound-and-light visualization environment for scientific data. (via Lorrie Lejeune)
  3. The Mistake BankThe Mistake Bank is a place to share stories of mistakes people have made in their lives and careers. Reminds me of the fail sessions at Foo Camp that Joshua Schachter leads.
  4. Tweet-a-Watt (Lady Ada) — add an XBee card to a Kill-a-Watt power meter to be able to read the current power load from afar.
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