Four short links: 10 June 2009

App Wall, Negroponte Switch, Data Exploration, Inadequate Innovation

  1. Apple’s Cool Matrix-Style App Wall (TechCrunch) — a huge collection of icons for many of the apps available in the App Store, arranged by color. Apparently, when someone purchased one, that app’s icon would pulsate. An App Store version of Google’s search globe. Information visualization makes activities meaningful, beautiful, and useful, but not necessarily all at the same time. (via dubdotdash on Twitter)
  2. The New Negroponte Switch — “Designing things that think they are services, and services that think they are things”. Matt Jones presentation gushing with great ideas for the “Web Meets World” change. I love the evolving printed map they made for the British Council at Salone di Mobile. A five course meal with port and insulin shots for thought.
  3. Odesi — web-based data exploration, extraction, and analysis tool. (via scilib on Twitter)
  4. The Failed Promise of Innovation (Business Week) — I have a post building up inside me about how irritatingly of the mark this article is. Until that post erupts, however, you’ll have to just read it yourself and form your own view of its flaws. But what if the conventional wisdom is wrong? What if outside of a few high-profile areas, the past decade has seen far too few commercial innovations that can transform lives and move the economy forward? What if, rather than being an era of rapid innovation, this has been an era of innovation interrupted? And if that’s true, is there any reason to expect the next decade to be any better?
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