Four short links: 12 November 2010

Experimental Design, Distributed Microsatire, Annotations, and Machine Learning

  1. Evaluating Extraordinary Claims — science isn’t easy, and the most difficult part of science is experimental design. Peter Norvig takes us through a handful of studies that claim to have found prayers to be effective, and critiques their experimental design. Lest you think scientists only criticize prayer experiments, read the Atlantic’s profile of John Ioannidis.
  2. Thimbl — decentralized microblogging using SSH and finger with an hilarious manifesto. Performance art at its finest. (via Jason Ryan)
  3. Annotator — open source toolkit for annotating
    text, written for The Open Shakespeare project. (via Rufus Pollock‘s blog about it)
  4. Machine Learning: A Love Story — presentation on the history of machine learning, by Hilary Mason of (via Julie Steele)
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