Four short links: 18 November 2010

Web of Data, Wrong Open Source, Cloud Spot Market, REST

  1. Predictable Web of Data — a chapter of a book that never happened, this chapter covering the wonderful YQL.
  2. Symbian: A Lesson on the Wrong Way to Use Open Source (GigaOm) — Open source can be used to inspire and complement successful products. It can accelerate momentum. What it can’t do is resurrect dying technology products.
  3. SpotCloud — a spot market for cloud capacity. (via John Clegg on Twitter)
  4. Richardson Maturity Model for RESTA model (developed by Leonard Richardson) that breaks down the principal elements of a REST approach into three steps. These introduce resources, http verbs, and hypermedia controls. A very good introduction to REST for those who haven’t thought hard about it yet.
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