Radar is now on Google+ (officially this time)

O'Reilly Radar is extending coverage through Google+.

O'Reilly Radar on Google Plus
Screenshot of Radar’s Google+ page.

If you’re a Google+ user and a Radar reader — I’m guessing there’s a lot of overlap in that Venn diagram — you might be interested in following Radar’s new Google+ page.

We’re working out a gameplan for our Google+ coverage that extends and enhances what we do here on the Radar website. In addition to +-specific content, we’ll also be surfacing relevant material from our YouTube archive and passing along intriguing content we encounter in our web travels.

The thing I find most interesting about Google+ is its friction-free engagement. The sharing and commenting functions are dead simple, so I anticipate mining those tools to make Radar’s Google+ presence a strong two-way channel.

As you can gather, we’ll be experimenting with our Google+ offerings quite a bit. If you have things you’d like to see, please chime in through the comments on this post or visit Radar’s Google+ page and chat with us there.

A number of other O’Reilly divisions and conferences have created Google+ pages. Here’s the current roster:

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