Four short links: 9 December 2011

Designing Ubicomp, Online Community, Design Examples, and Ranking Discussions

  1. Critically Making the Internet of Things (Anne Galloway) — session notes from a conference, see also part two. Good thoughts, hastily captured. For example, this from Bruce Sterling: RFID + Superglue + Object ≠ IoT and the talk I want to see: “A study of how broken, hacked and malfunctioning digital road signs subvert the physical space of roadways.”
  2. Conquering the CHAOS of Online Community at StackExchange — StackExchange is doing some thoughtful work analysing conversations and channeling dissent into a healthy construction to guide future productive discussion. “We taught the users that it was alright to disagree, and gave them a set of arguments they could reference without every thread degenerating into a fight.”
  3. Little Big Details — one small detail done right, every day.
  4. Ranking Live Streams of Data (LinkedIn) — behind the “interesting discussions” report.
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