Visualization of the Week: Politicians' word counts

The New York Times looks at the word counts of presidential candidates.

‘Tis the season for political infographics, what with the 2012 presidential election well underway as well as this week’s State of the Union address. All of that speech-making provided plenty of opportunity for data visualization.

Following the State of the Union address, The New York Times posted the following visualization comparing “selected words used by President Obama in his State of the Union addresses and by Republican presidential candidates in their debates, television interviews and major speeches since May.”

Choice words visualization
See the full visualization.

Although this example is just a “simple” bar graph, these sorts of visualizations are becoming increasingly popular in making political arguments — whether by politicians or by newspapers.

You can view the full visualization here.

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This post is part of an ongoing series exploring visualizations. We’re always looking for leads, so please drop a line if there’s a visualization you think we should know about.

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