Becoming data driven

DJ Patil and Hilary Mason's Data Driven: Creating a Data Culture is about building organizations that can take advantage of data.

I’m excited to see that DJ Patil and Hilary Mason‘s new ebook Data Driven: Creating a Data Culture is now available. It’s been a lot of fun working with DJ and Hilary over the past few months.

I’m not going to summarize their work here: you should read it. It’s based on the realization that merely assembling a bunch of people who understand statistics doesn’t do the job. You end up with a group of data specialists on the margins of the organization, who don’t have the ability to do anything more than be frustrated. If you don’t develop a data culture, if people don’t understand the value of data and how it can be used to inform discussions, you can build all the dashboards and Hadoop clusters you want, but they won’t help you.

Data is a powerful tool, but it’s easy to jump on the data bandwagon and miss the benefits. Data Driven: Creating a Data Culture is about building organizations that can really take advantage of data. Is that organization yours?

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