Experience Design Links and Fodder: March 13, 2015

10 thoughts for all designers, wise words from Gemma Curtain, and open source surgery.

Each week our design editors curate the most notable, interesting, and important material they come across. Below you’ll find their recent selections. You can get these and more in our weekly design newsletter.

Top ten

“Like” is not a design word. Choose your battles. There is no perfect design. A pragmatic designer shares his memo to self with 10 thoughts that all designers should consider.


Source: Image by woodleywonderworks on Flickr

Quote of the week

“Design is about solving problems, but it’s not always going to change your life — it can enhance life and simply give pleasure as well.” — Gemma Curtain

Open source surgery

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it saved the life of MIT Media Lab research assistant Steven Keating. Diagnosed with brain cancer as a grad student, he used his medical data to print a 3D model of his brain and tumor, and open sourced his records to identify the best surgical team. A contributor to the O’Reilly book Designing for Emerging Technologies, Steven details his experience and explains how it made him an advocate for freedom of personal medical data.

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