
Jul 26

Nat Torkington

Nat Torkington

Where 2.0: Latest Google Maps Hacks Roundup

The latest nifty Google Maps hacks: Spacecraft Tracking (real-time Shuttle and ISS location, updated each minute); hotels (love that Ajax!); hotels again; Internet servers; web cams; Australian weather (hint: it's beer weather); wiki-for-maps; delicious-for-maps; video blogs; and more. Also new: gmdir.com, a directory of online map sites.

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Comments: 3

  Jeff Clavier [07.28.05 01:05 PM]

You can add: Bay Area Job Listings, with the Glendor Jobs Showcase.

  Jabari Villegas [11.16.06 10:08 PM]

Pioneering screenwriter Nigel Kneale, best known for the Quatermass TV serials and films, dies aged 84...

  Chris [01.02.07 01:44 PM]

Here's a great site for those who love to travel and want to know what is at the end of their flight.
If you want to use a GPS to travel, or want to know where something cool is, there is nothing better out there.

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