
Oct 11

Nat Torkington

Nat Torkington

EuroOSCON: Maker Faire Lineup

The ever-wonderful Shawn at MAKE just sent me the latest lineup for the EuroOSCON Maker Faire. It's a fabulous selection of hackers, from open source to opened cases, all the way through to crafting. This is going to rock! I fly out to Amsterdam tomorrow night, and things are going to get well crazy soon. I'm looking forward to the mixture of familiar faces and new friends. I'll be around the conference hotel from Saturday night on, so please grab me and say "hi" before, during, or after the show. I'll also be around for the day after the conference at Bar Camp Amsterdam.

Phillip Torrone
Computer, portable device and gadget hacking
Beth Goza
Digital crafting in the virtual world
Nick and Dom Ludlam
Open Source Promise.tv kit and digital TV hacking
Fabienne Serriere
Electronics and computer hacks
Ewan Spence
Podcasting projects
Rosanna Kilfedder
Suntrap shoes and bags
Fernando Botelho
Open source computer for the blind
Bert Thomas
Electronic gadget hacking
Melissa Coleman and Nadya Peek
Spatial awareness with tactile feedback
Usman Haque and Adam Somlai-Fischer
Low-tech sensors and actuators
Roger Ibars
Self-made objects
Mark Hoekstra
Master the stuff around you
Jo Walsh, Schuyler Erle
Cutting-edge OS GIS and open geodata work
Frank Buss, Joachim Bengstsson
PSP Hacks

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Comments: 1

  anon [10.13.05 12:09 AM]

You should try and get MobiProf to demonstrate how to make your own coffeepod :-)


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