
Jan 15

Rael Dornfest

Rael Dornfest

The eBay Developer Challenge

To celebrate both the success of the eBay Developers Program and the removal of all fees associated with using their web services, eBay are holdling the eBay Developer Challenge.

Enter your innovative application in the eBay Developer Challenge 2006 to show off your skills. You could win $5,000, or many other great prizes. Or gather a team together of up to three other developers to compete for a set of matching Xbox 360™ game consoles. Either way, if you're a Grand Prize winner, your application will be featured at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego, California, March 6-9, 2006.

Tuck into eBay's web services and build your own vertical search (think Rollyo for stuff), mash eBay up with Yahoo! Maps, Google Talk or any another web service(s), hack eBay alerts into your TiVo, ...

Here's a chance to turn that late-night hacking you're doing anyway into cash, brill prizes, possibly a trip to ETech--not to mention the props you'll garner. The contest ends two weeks from now (at the end of January), so crack those knuckles, grab a soda or three (not to be considered any form of professional medical advice), and dive in!

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  Harish Mallipeddi [01.15.06 04:17 PM]

Looks like it is open to Americans only! Hey this doesn't sound fair!!

  William Dyson [01.16.06 02:15 AM]

I think that opening up the ebay api and is a very good idea; but I think that developers will quickly uncover the fact the the ebay model needs to be changed to fit into the web 2.0 world.

  Jenn at Eurekster [01.18.06 04:59 PM]

Hi All,

Instead of thinking Rollyo for the eBay Developer Challenge, you might want check out Would really like to hear what you think about swickis (vertical and community search engines).

Eurekster Team

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