
Jun 8

Brady Forrest

Brady Forrest

Where 2.0: Big Games Podcast

Mobile games are going to become more popular as the location data becomes more available on cellphones. In my second podcast for the Where 2.0 conference, I spoke with Kevin Slavin, managing director and co-founder of area/code, the New-York-based big games developer, and Gregory Trefry, who works as a game designer at gamelab and is the festival director for the Come Out and Play Festival and one of the creators of Payphone Warriors, a game that uses payphones to mark positions. In this podcast we discuss the state of big games in the US and abroad, the issues they are currently facing, and the economics of games. At Where 2.0, the two will each deliver lightning talks about games. (MP3)

We'll be playing a mobile game (MS's Pixie Hunt) to kick off Where 2.0 this Monday night. There's still room to sign-up if you wish to play.

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