
Sep 14

Tim O'Reilly

Tim O'Reilly

The Breathing Earth

From "Breathing Earth is a map of the world showing a real-time simulation of the CO2 emissions level of every country in the world, as well as each country's birth and death rates. The art is beautiful and with the sort of percussive, bugs-in-the-forest soundtrack, it keeps you staring for quite a while, watching icons burst and disappear in correspondence with the actual arrival and passing of lives around the planet."

I agree. It's hypnotic and thought-provoking. "Since you started watching this, 7281 people have been born, 3250 people have died. 1399000 tons of CO2 have been emitted." Remember, it's only a simulation...

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  Dave Robinson [09.14.06 09:03 AM]

lol, then you were watching it for far too long! it isn't THAT hypnotic.

Some of the smaller countries omitted too....

  Jill [09.16.06 08:26 AM]

Wow. That's sobering.

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