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Ryan Stewart

Ryan Stewart

Live Blogging the Expo Day 2 Keynote (Part 1)

Dave McClure, Brady Forest and Jen Phalka welcome us to day 2. Dave gives us a quick wake up exercise by getting the attendees to do the wave. They followed up with a quick rundown of some of the sessions. A lot of people are going to sessions in more than one track and the sessions have been PACKED. Literally people standing 3 feet outside he doors, peeking in to see the speakers.

First up during the Launch Pad event, Brian Mulloy gave a demo of Swivel. They hypothesize that details hard to find on the web (real data, things like statistics and leading indicators). They aggregate a lot of this information and allow users to compare datasets. Vidoop was up next, describing itself as "the new vault". It looks like a new login system that uses pictures as the challenge response mechanism. It includes support for OpenId. Finally, Mike McCue from TellMe presented their voice recognition product. He used the service live on stage to find an ice cream shop here in San Francisco. They are announcing a downloadable client for TellMe that uses voice commands to bring up data right on the cell phone.

Next we had a panel with Ajit Joakar of Open Gardens, Mike McCune from TellMe, Paola Tonelli from the Open Mobile Alliance, and Illkka Raiskinen, the SVP of Multimedia Experiences at Nokia to talk about Mobile 2.0. Illkka started of by bringing focus back to the users, saying they want a good mobile experience and don't care about buzzwords or acronyms. Paola made the point that by standardizing the distribution layers and the networks, mobile content creators can reach more people and provide more growth in the mobile ecosystem. Mike followed that up by saying that "mobile" isn't about just phones, but devices in cars, appliances, and other places. Then there was a good conversation about mobile applications and the idea of finding the "killer app". The gist was that there needs to be a "killer ecosystem" where the community can easily build applications.

Then came the high order bits. James Batey of Sun is talked about the Architecture of Humanity. It was an interesting talk about how different reality is from the theory behind building and rebuilding communities. In one of the slides, he described the benefits of "community design" and while it may seem obvious, how to bring the community into discussions and make them a part of the process. He then fit Web 2.0 into the process. The question was "do you know what the building codes in India are?". By using Web 2.0, he sees how we can bring people together to use global solutions in a very localized way.

More coming in an hour.

Ryan Stewart is a Rich Internet Application developer and analyst. He blogs for ZDNet on the Universal Desktop as well as a personal blog, Digital Backcountry.

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