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Sarah Milstein

Sarah Milstein

Early Registration for TOC Closes Tomorrow

Tools of Change, O'Reilly's new conference for book publishers, debuts in San Jose, June 18 - 20. Early registration closes tomorrow.

For TOC, we have a big goal: exploring and inspiring innovations in book publishing. It's no secret that technology presents new challenges to publishers every day. But what about new opportunities? We've found publishers of all kinds trying cool stuff and doing business in new ways. We're jazzed about these projects, and we're looking forward to TOC as an event where people will share their experiences and come away with exciting new ideas.

With input from publishing gurus and entrepreneurs, the program is overflowing with must-attend sessions. I get particularly excited every time I talk about the breakouts on ensuring profitability; direct sales; POD; and the people formerly known as the audience. I'm also pleased that a big theme of the conference will be understanding free content: How is it part of the publishing ecosystem? And how do we want it to be? How does it challenge our businesses? How can it benefit them? In addition to breakout sessions on the topic, Jimmy Wales and Chris Anderson will both discuss it in their keynotes.

Of course, the keynotes don't stop there, and we have a great list of presenters. Among our opening keynotes is Brian Murray of HarperCollins, well known as an unusually forward-thinking publisher. On the other end of the schedule, we've just added a closing keynote I'm thrilled about: Erin McKean of Oxford University Press. She has amazingly smart things to say about publishing, and as a bonus, she's a terrific writer.

Hope to see you there!

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Michael R. Bernstein   [05.07.07 02:11 PM]

obNitPick: I think you meant 'Free Content', if you meant anything other than (or in addition to) price.

Howard_NYC   [05.10.07 03:26 PM]

Q: what about the folks at Baen Books...?

they have been doing e-books for years, set the tone which other, risk-averse companies are now (re)considering...

granted, that's fiction/mass market, but still relevant...

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