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Feb 4

Allison Randal

Allison Randal

Interview with Linus Torvalds

The second half of the Linux Foundation interview with Linus Torvalds went up today. Several interesting perspectives on patents, competition, innovation, community building, target markets, and the future of Linux.

If you're looking for hope that Linux will focus more on the desktop market, look no further:

"I have never, ever even run a Linux server and I don’t even want to; it’s not what I’m interested in. I’m more of a desktop guy. I’ve always used Linux as a workstation person."

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pjm [02.04.08 11:07 PM]

(1..9).each {|year|
puts "200#{year} : *the* year of linux on the desktop!!!"

Robert [02.05.08 12:31 AM]

There's a lot of effort going on in the Linux Desktop department, especially since Ubuntu hit the mainstream.

I wasn't very convinced that Linux would ever gain momentum as a "Joe 'Average' User" desktop O/S, but the recent progress at the semiannual Ubuntu releases give hope.

Searchâ—† Engines WEB [02.05.08 02:32 AM]

Hard to believe, they did NOT think to link to Part One of the Audio.

Here is the page where one can access both Parts - including both audio mp3s and both transcripts

Tim [02.05.08 08:53 PM]

I just switched to Ubuntu last week and I love it. Heaps better than Vista and it has everything you need. All for a great price - free!

jen test [02.19.08 08:02 PM]

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