
May 14

Ben Lorica

Ben Lorica

Where 2.0: Eye-Fi and Dash Navigation Apps

Eye-Fi: If you have a digital camera with a SD card slot, Eye-Fi has a plug-in that automatically geotags (location stamping) pictures taken with your camera. Using technology from Skyhook Wireless, locations are identified by triangulating distances between Wi-Fi hotspots. The Wi-Fi aware card also automatically uploads your photos to your PC and to the web. Eye-Fi integrates with the Wi-Fi networkWayport which means users can automatically upload their photos from 10,000 hotspots in the U.S.

Dash Navigation API: Brady previously blogged about both the Dash device and API. This morning they highlighted new third-party applications from Coldwell Banker (real estate app for home buyers), Funambol (calendar app that interfaces seamlessly with Outlook and web-based calendars), BakTrax Radio (remembers last 3 songs played on car's AM/FM radio) and Trapster (alerts drivers of the presence of live speed traps and red light sensors). The audience especially loved Trapster!

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