Alois Reitbauer

Alois is Chief Evangelist at ruxit. He has spent most of his career building monitoring tools and fine tuning application performance. A regular conference speaker, blogger, author, and sushi maniac, Alois currently shares his professional time between Linz, Boston, and San Francisco.

The two-sided coin of Web performance

Hacking performance across your organization.

I’ve given Web performance talks where I get to show one of my favorite slides with the impact of third-party dependencies on load time. It’s the perfect use case for “those marketing people,” who overload pages with the tracking pixels and tags that make page load time go south. This, of course, would fuel the late-night pub discussrion with fellow engineers about how much faster the Web would be if those marketing people would attend a basic Web performance 101 course.

I’ve also found myself discussing exactly this topic in a meeting. This time, however, I was the guy arguing to keep the tracking code, although I was well aware of the performance impact. So what happened?
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Building an Alerting System That Really Works

Velocity 2013 Speaker Series

Building a high quality alerting system often feels like a dark art. Often it is hard to set the proper thresholds and it is even harder to define when an alert should be triggered or not. This results in alerts being raised too early or too late and your colleagues losing faith in the system. Once you use a structured approach to build an alerting system you will find it much easier and the alerts more predictable and precise.

Measure Selection

First you have to select proper measures to alert on. This selection is key as all other steps depend on using meaningful measures. While there seems to be an infinite number of different measures, you can categorize them into three main categories:

  • Saturation measures indicate how much of a resource is used. Examples are CPU usage or resource pool consumption.
  • Occurrence measures indicate whether a condition was met or not. A good example is errors. These measures are often presented as a rate like failed transactions per seconds.
  • Continuous measures do not have a single value at any given point in time, but instead a large number of different values. A typical example is response times. Irrespective of how small you make the sample, you will always have a large amount of values and never just one single representative value.

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