Artur Bergman

Artur Bergman, hacker and technologist at-large, is the CEO of Fastly and formerly the Chief Technology Officer of Wikia. He is also an enthusiastic apologist for federated identity and a board member of the OpenID Foundation. His current interests include semantic search, large scale infrastructure, open source development, federated instant messaging, neurotransmitters, and the future of cyborgs.

Where 2.0 Launchpad

At Where 2.0 Ignite and Launchpad, 18 presentations where held over 2 hours, 6 launches and 12 Ignite talks, covering various aspect of the geo world. As a quick overview it gives a good sense of the energy that is showing here at Where 2.0. Geocommons, created by Fortiusone, is a tool for giving consumers access to data. There is…

Healthcamp 2.0

I had the pleasure of attending Healthcamp this weekend, an unconference focused on innovation in the health sector. Healthcare spending in the US is roughly 16% of the GDP, or an astonishing 3 trillion dollars; about $6500 per person. From an innovator's point of view a lot of this infrastructure seems archaic, with a lot of data silos and incompatible…

Tracking the Power Consumption of Your Gadgets

Last week Brady posted on the tools one can use to lower your power usage. The problem for most people is that they are very dimly aware of what uses power. Jamais Cascio of WorldChanging points out that cars with realtime MPG usage displays tend to make people more efficient drivers. Certainly when I am in a car with a…