Jeremy Freeman

Jeremy Freeman is a neuroscientist using computation to understand the brain. He obtained his BA from Swarthmore College in math, biology, and psychology. He completed a PhD in neural science at New York University, and is currently a Group Leader at HHMI’s Janelia Farm Research Campus. Freeman develops new approaches for analyzing, visualizing, and understanding large-scale patterns of neural activity. He hopes to reveal the deep principles according to which all brains function, including our own.

Small brains, big data

How neuroscience is benefiting from distributed computing — and how computing might learn from neuroscience.


When we think about big data, we usually think about the web: the billions of users of social media, the sensors on millions of mobile phones, the thousands of contributions to Wikipedia, and so forth. Due to recent innovations, web-scale data can now also come from a camera pointed at a small, but extremely complex object: the brain. New progress in distributed computing is changing how neuroscientists work with the resulting data — and may, in the process, change how we think about computation. Read more…