Nikolaj Nyholm

Nikolaj Nyholm serves as a member of the board of directors of the people photo-identification service, Polar Rose. Past chair of EuroOSCON, he's working to connect European emerging tech and open source milieus, hoping to contribute to the creation of a vibrant cross-border tech sector. Nikolaj's background is as an entrepreneur, co-founding several startups picking at the loose ends of topics ranging from DNS to identity to Wi-Fi. In his spare time he channels his creative energy into Copenhagen-based collective 'Wheatpaste', and is co-organizer of reboot.

Simplifying Mobile Testing

Two major challenges abound in the mobile app world; flat-rate data and handset incompatibility. While roll-out flat-rate plans is slowly gathering speed across most of the world (go figure why the US will overtake the #2 position soon if European carriers don't get their act together), device incompatability is still the single-biggest problem of the mobile app hacker. Symbian (including…

Ultimate fabbing experience

The trend towards fabbing reaches some sort of logical conclusion in this sketch furniture project by Swedish design team FRONT. 3D motion capture techniques are used to capture live 3D sketches of furniture. The resulting 3D plot is then processed and the sketches fabbed to produce real furniture from pure handwaving. The video of this process is mesmerizing….

Truly Democratic Mapping

As Rich Gibson, co-author of the excellent O'Reilly Mapping Hacks book puts it: "Doesn't the President have access to something a tad more exclusive than Google Maps?" "One of the things I've used on the Google is to pull up maps. It's very interesting to see that. I forgot the name of the program, but you get the satellite and…

The data mining dilemma

A couple of days ago I pointed to Justin Hall's call for more intense datamining to enhance the web experience, and just yesterday Marc pointed to the Netflix recommendation algorithm contest. The Netflix contest is interesting for several reasons, but maybe mostly because it points directly at the dilemma between data usefulness and data privacy. The utility of good film…

Mobile 2.0: Nokia launches WidSets

Nokia today announced the release of WidSets, a mobile widget platform available for Java MIDP 2.0 phones, including of course non-Nokia phones. Put short, WidSets is for the mobile what Netvibes is for the browser. I've played around with WidSets for an hour on both my SonyEricsson K750i as well as a more recent – and higher resolution – Nokia…

YouTube and the DMCA

Larry Lessig once proposed a fee to renew copyrights – not to make the creative process more expensive but to ensure that the public retains effective access to intellectual property even if the creator/rights owner no longer sees any value in. Lessig's concern is that a lot of material languishes in uselessness because the rights holder has lost interest or…

News from the future: Rebooting your car

This bit of news from the future is actually here already: Jan Chipchase recently spent 3 hours trying to "security reset" his rental car – part of which procedure involved sitting inside the car in a hot parking lot, with windows shut, touching nothing for a full 20 minutes with no results. (via Blackbeltjones, who as user experience manager for…

Life 3.0 – The Hutter Prize

The Hutter Prize, established earlier this year, is fashioned after the Methuselah Mouse Prize mentioned yesterday — but where the M-Prize is set up in the quest for eternal life, the Hutter Prize is set up in search of artificial intelligence. On first looks, all the Hutter Prize asks contestants is to come up with best possible means of compressing…

Life 1.1

Last year I had the opportunity to meet the extraordinary life-hacker Aubrey de Grey and talk to him about his extraordinary antiaging research and spectacular Methuselah Mouse Prize. de Grey is a life-hacker in the fullest meaning — his goal is to extend human life from the current ~100 cap to 500 and eventually 1,000 years by stalling or repairing…

Sony Reader finally ships

Just a quick appendix to Brady's post about the Iliad digital ink reader he saw at EuroOSCON: The Sony Reader is finally ready to ship. From the screenshots it would appear that the screen is slightly bigger and the interface less cluttered as compared to the Reader's ancestor the Librie. I've just put in an order and can't wait to…