Stephen O'Grady

Lifespan Treadmill Desk Review

Tl;dr: I like the unit and recommend it, with the caveat that long form writing may be difficult.


(Yes, I have a giant mural of Fenway Park next to my desk)

According to my Google Docs spreadsheet (I’ll get to that), I’ve walked just shy of 61 miles on my Lifespan 1200DT / DT-5 treadmill desk. Since taking delivery, I’ve been in the office for sixteen days, thus averaging a bit below four miles per day with a high of 9.64 and a low of 1.63—the delivery came late that first day. Calorically, the treadmill desk claims to have burned off almost 10,000 calories, or a bit fewer than 600 daily. It’s been only a month, so definitive statements about usage over time can’t be made, but thus far a treadmill desk has fit into my workday seamlessly.

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