"book publishing" entries

What publishing can learn from tech startups

Todd Sattersten on how a startup mentality applies to the publishing world.

Author Todd Sattersten believes the publishing industry has a lot to learn from tech startups. Agile development, iteration and adaptation all have a place.

iPhone App Outperforms Most Print (Computer) Books This Holiday Season

Conventional wisdom suggests that when choosing pilot projects, you pick ones with a high likelihood of success. It's hard to argue that iPhone: The Missing Manual was a reasonable choice for testing the iPhone App waters. But while we knew it would do well, we've been quite pleased with just how well: If the iPhone App by itself had been…

Book Publishing's Scale Issue

In a post looking at the future interplay of content, gatekeepers and consumers, David Nygren touches on a key issue for large book publishers: scale. Mega Publishing Conglomerates Go Bye-Bye: Or at least they will look very different than they do today. Their scale is not sustainable. The partial implosion we saw in the publishing industry last week was just…

Publishers Rush Economic Crisis Books

The Economist says book publishers are rushing to cash in on the economic turmoil bubbling up across world markets: Like any good bank in the pre-crash days, some publishers are splashing out to secure talent. Penguin's American arm has been particularly eager, bagging four inky-fingered "stars" in the past month, reportedly at a cost of over $2m in advances….

Books and Ebooks Will Find Their Place

Publishers Weekly editor Sara Nelson offers a measured, middle-of-the-road response to ebook worriers and enthusiastic analysts: … just as there are certain books you would rather listen to than read (and vice versa) and some movies you'll rush to the theater to see, there is room in the world for another way to enjoy written narrative. Put it another way:…

Linking Books with the Web-Way of Thinking

The changing nature of book content means publishers need to develop material that meshes with digital platforms, rather than replicating book experience in a digital realm.

BISG Study: Publishing Experimentation Catching On

Results from a Book Industry Study Group (BISG) study on publishing experimentation were shared last week at a BISG event. Of particular note: 69 percent of surveyed trade publishers and 77 percent of nontrade publishers said their experiments resulted in new products. With a majority of respondents already engaged in experimentation, the focus for many now turns to harnessing innovation…

A Look at Book Publishing's Opportunities in Digital Marketing

Richard Bawden and Mark Harding from KPMG discuss future scenarios for book marketing and product enhancement: With virtual worlds like Second Life and social networking destined to splinter into hubs focused on shared interests, publishers and retailers are in a strong position to leverage people's love of books … Publishers must also consider how books on screen can enhance…

Use Publishing Experiments as a Guide

Kevin Anderson's recent post on the future of newspapers reiterates the importance of digital experimentation — a vital topic that extends well beyond newspaper publishing: The difference between the late 1990s and now is that cost of editorial experimentation has dropped almost to zero in some cases. Creative use of freely available web tools can achieve most editorial goals, and…

Glimmer of Positivity in Media Industry Analysis

Subtle examples of digital innovation and positive perspectives are emerging in media industry reports. These same elements could benefit book publishing.