"geek lifestyle" entries

My Paleo Media Diet

Turning off, opting out, and disconnecting to save my brain for the things I really want to use it for.

Jim Stogdill is tired of running on the info treadmill, so he's changing his media habits. His new approach: "Where I can, adapt to my surroundings, where I can't, adapt my surroundings to me."

To get things done, be "reasonably unreasonable"

John Graham-Cumming on how he got the UK government to apologize for its past treatment of Alan Turing.

In 2009, John Graham-Cumming, VP of engineering at Causata, Inc., started a campaign to get the UK to apologize for its treatment of Alan Turing in the 1950s. Here he talks about how he made the campaign a success.

Top stories: July 4-8, 2011

Why Java matters, inside Node.js, predicting Android's ubiquity

This week on O'Reilly: We offered seven reasons why Java is worth your time, the utility of Node.js was duly noted, and Marko Gargenta offered three Android predictions that have nothing to do with mobile phones.

Into the wild and back again

Ryo Chijiiwa, a software engineer who left it all behind, shares the benefits of off-the-grid living.

Burnt out from years of school and tech work, Ryo Chijiiwa quit his job and moved off the grid. In this interview, Chijiiwa talks about how solitude and time in the wilderness has changed his perspective on work and life.