"O’Reilly Hardware Podcast" entries

Ari Gesher and Kipp Bradford on security and the Internet of Things

The O’Reilly Hardware Podcast: Evolving expectations for privacy.

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In this episode of our newly renamed Hardware Podcast, I talk with Ari Gesher, engineering ambassador at Palantir Technologies, and Kipp Bradford, research scientist at the MIT Media Lab.

Gesher is the co-author of The Architecture of Privacy: On Engineering Technologies that Can Deliver Trustworthy Safeguards. Bradford is co-author of Distributed Network Data: From Hardware to Data to Visualization, and he’s spoken twice at Solid.

Discussion points:

  • The difference between security and privacy
  • Ari’s notion of what it means to be “polite” in a world where everything is recorded
  • The need and rationale for standards and protocols for IoT devices

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