"security by design" entries

The security infusion

Building access policies into data stores.

Safe_Rob_Pongsajapan_Flickr_350pxHadoop jobs reflect the same security demands as other programming tasks. Corporate and regulatory requirements create complex rules concerning who has access to different fields in data sets, sensitive fields must be protected from internal users as well as external threats, and multiple applications run on the same data and must treat different users with different access rights. The modern world of virtualization and containers adds security at the software level, but tears away the hardware protection formerly offered by network segments, firewalls, and DMZs.

Furthermore, security involves more than saying yes or no to a user running a Hadoop job. There are rules for archiving or backing up data on the one hand, and expiring or deleting it on the other. Audit logs are a must, both to track down possible breaches and to conform to regulation.

Best practices for managing data in these complex, sensitive environments implement the well-known principle of security by design. According to this principle, you can’t design a database or application in a totally open manner and then layer security on top if you expect it to be robust. Instead, security must be infused throughout the system and built in from the start. Defense in depth is a related principle that urges the use of many layers of security, so that an intruder breaking through one layer may be frustrated by the next. Read more…