"tagging" entries

Taxonomies and Starting With XML

This is an excerpt from a blog post I wrote last week on taxonomies and chunking. Last October, the StartWithXML team wrote a post called "To Chunk or Not To Chunk," where we discussed tagging and infrastructure issues, and a discussion ensued about what happens when you don't know what you'll be using chunks for. How do you tag those?…

A Correction!

Frank Grazioli, of Wiley, writes in to correct my last post about taxonomies: Wiley has been exploring taxonomies for its travel content business; the cooking/psych/accounting spaces might be our next logical opportunities because the disciplines are well developed, specific, etc., that content is authored or edited in fairly controlled templates that map to our own XML content models and our…

Tagging the Real World through Barcode Apps

Mobile phones with barcode apps bring digital tools into real-world curation.

Beyond the Tag Cloud

This is an excerpt from our research paper, which will publish in concert with the StartWithXML Forum on January 13th at the McGraw-Hill Auditorium in New York. Early bird discounting for BISG members is ending soon! A good taxonomy is the backbone of your business — it's how you sort your content. It allows for effective merchandising, effective marketing –…

Why You Should Care About XML

There are two places to look for useful clues about how XML will actually fit into a publisher's workflow: Web publishing and the "alpha geeks."

News Roundup: Customizable Magazine Service Launches, French E-Reader Includes Subscriptions, Library Tags Online-Offline Recommendations

Maghound Customizable Magazine Service Launches Maghound, a customizable magazine service from Time Inc., is now available. From Folio: The membership pricing is tiered– three titles for $4.95 a month, five titles for $7.95, seven titles for $9.95, and $1 per title for eight titles or more. Memberships can be entirely managed online, as well as by email and phone,…

Library Uses Tags to Link Online-Offline Recommendations

LibraryTechNZ mentions an interesting engagement of a European library with its community, something that bookstores could also do: The library at the Hague in the Netherlands has introduced a simple form of tagging in real life. They now have two returns drop-boxes. One is for all items, and the other is for amazing books. Staff take the 'amazing' books…

Simplifying Semantic Tagging

Adaptive Blue has released a header/meta tag scheme to simplify semantic tagging of content items. From ReadWriteWeb: Semantic web company Adaptive Blue has published what it hopes will become a standard for publishers who want to signal in their header tags when a webpage is primarily about a particular book, film, wine or other type of objects … Called AB…