
Aug 14

Tim O'Reilly

Tim O'Reilly

Data Farming, not Data Mining

Apart from repeating the marketing urban legend about beer and diapers, this blog posting over on was terrific. I love the "data farming" meme! Here's a snippet:

"Beer and diapers" was a classic nugget from data mining. For all its hype, there wasn't much there to benefit from.

In mining, you extract a hunk of something that is either durable and non-reactive, or burns for a short time. Plus, you have lots of tailings to throw out. It's not self-sustaining or pretty.

Personally, I don't want to mine. I want to do something valuable and sustainable.

Here's an alternative paradigm: data farming. In farming, you start from a seed or an immature plant, place it in an appropriate growth medium, and tend it with nutrients. Crops, and perhaps seeds for the next cycle, repay your efforts.

You also have a centuries-old tradition of testing and variation from which to improve yields over time, and reduce wasted effort and excess fertilizer. This cycle of planting, nurturing, harvesting, and learning is how less than 2% of our population now feeds the rest of America, and beyond.

I contend that we should look at direct marketing analysis as data farming, and to use the metaphor to justify (with ample support) investments that will pay off marketing cycle after marketing cycle.

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  Chris Armstrong [08.14.05 10:43 AM]

I agree that the farming paradigm - at least as expressed in these words - is prettier than data mining. But let's not wax too lyrical about farming - as someone who actually lives on one, I know that farming, too, has lack of sustainability and an ugly side! Ask a farmer! Data farming - growing knowledge from seeds of data - sounds good, so long as we can keep the agro-chemicals of mis-information and the genetic modification of bias out of the field. So lets not throw the baby out with the bath water and diapers (New paradigm? Data bathing - washing away the dirt to find the data. Perhaps not!) - I thought the idea of data mining was that you mined through all the data looking for gems of knowledge previously missed. That could be sustainable and valuable.

Any paradigm is only as good as the terminology used to explain it; and almost any paradigm will squeak if stretched too far.

  David Todd [08.15.05 09:23 AM]

There's a fairly shocking post over at TPM Cafe about how the Republicans "get" data mining more than the Democrats do, and even that they "get" technology more. Aargghh!

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