
Mar 17

Nat Torkington

Nat Torkington

Interesting Google Job Listings

I was browsing Google's jobs pages looking for a fit for a friend of mine, and came across some very interesting jobs. Anyone who doubts that Google is moving into television in a big way should think again.

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  Razib Ahmed [03.18.06 07:56 PM]

Internet TV has a huge market potential and it had not even taken off fully. So, there is no surprise if Google takes it seriously.

  Jeff Carroll [03.22.06 01:47 PM]

This field is really easy to get wrong - Microsoft and Sun have been flailing away at it (and failing) for years. I wouldn't be surprised if that Kirkland req's already got someone's name on it.

The fundamental truth of the TV business is "Content is king." Technology is secondary. Software and telecom companies have a history of either not understanding this, or refusing to believe it.

I can think of one tech CEO who's an exception to the rule. Do I really have to name him?

  rohit [04.04.06 01:00 AM]

Interesting thread--couple things that can also explain these hirings are that Google is using Google video intensely for viral marketing of their products and services. In the past few months, quite a number of products have been professionally shown off on google video and, from what I hear, they are continuing to use this medium as a form of advertising.

Additionally, AOL has been developing a lot of video content/establishing themselves as a content provider. As google gets even more "cozy" with AOL, they may choose to collaborate further in this area.

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