
Dec 25

Brady Forrest

Brady Forrest

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from the Radar crew. Make Media Maven Bre Pettis sends his holiday wishes via Rocketboom.

If you are feeling generous today, consider assisting WorldChanging in their bid to win Yahoo's $50,000 matching grant. From their end-of-the-year-request:

We've just learned about a huge opportunity to raise funds for Worldchanging. For it to work we need your help. Not much, just $10. Here's the deal: Yahoo! is offering a $50,000 matching grant for the nonprofit which gets the largest number of donations before the end of the year using its new "charity badges."

What matters is the number of donors, not the number of dollars. Right now, you need 80 to be in the lead, but we'd like 500 to be safe. If we're winning on Dec 31st, we think one of our major donors will step in and help us with a large donation, so we'll get the full $50K from Yahoo!

That means that what we need are numbers, even large numbers of people contributing just the minimum of $10 each (though we are a highly-effective little non-profit and would be happy to put a larger contribution to good use).

Please help us win this challenge by taking two minutes right now, clicking on the donate button in this link or in the charity badge displayed here at left , and making a contribution to Worldchanging on Network for Good (it's all safe and self-explanatory).

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