
May 31

Brady Forrest

Brady Forrest

Google Mashup Editor Launches

google mashup editors

Google just released a web-based mashup creator and hosting environment. The editor accepts HTML, CSS, and Google-specific XML tags. These tags provide access to google feeds such as the Google Calendar and Base. The example we just saw built in front of us took six lines of code and plotted locations on a map. Pretty impressive. This can be hosted at or you can make a gadget for iGoogle.

It is very similar to Yahoo! Pipes and Popfly in intent, but not in focus or implementation. Of the three web-based mashup creators this one is the least graphical (being almost all text) and is the most developer focused. Google has a history of starting with developers and then making things easier over time. The most obvious example of this in my mind is the evolution of KML's relationship with Google Maps. Last year at Where 2.0 it was announced that hosted KML could be display in Google Maps. Very dev friendly, less consumer friendly. This was the predecessor to Mapplets (Radar post), a much more accessible way of loading external data sets onto Google Maps.

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  Ryan Pratt [05.31.07 12:41 PM]

This is awesome! Someone should make a list of all the apps you can use from Google at

It is a great new site where YOU can create and find lists about anything and everything!

  Jay Neely [06.02.07 12:20 PM]

Hi Brady, thanks for your coverage of Google Mashup Editor. You might be interested in the extended review I've written of it, along with Pipes and Popfly. I've also written in depth about why I think these tools are important, and what we can do with them. My post is More Signal, Less Noise: The Power of RSS Mashups. Hope it's useful to you.

Jay Neely, Social Strategist

  Craig J. Buzz Conroy [06.03.07 10:47 AM]

Google Mashup Editor Launches and KUDOS GOOGLE, ONCE AGAIN GOOGLE steps Up and Leads.
As a researcher with a Masters in Strategic Leadership YOU set the Platinum standard.
Keep it Up GOOGLE !!. . .
Reseacher & Speaker ...................
Craig J. Buzz Conroy Gibsonia, PA 15044

  Chris Fizik [06.04.07 07:05 AM]

All my hard work playing with various google APIs like the maps one and more recently the calendar/JSON stuff .... now so easy with this? booo ....hehe

Guess I fall into the developers range, or even the alpha-developer range ..... hehe

  Jagdeesh Karicherla [06.06.07 11:01 PM]

Its been really great to hear this news.SO now I think almost all the giants were into mashup market with Microsoft's popfly,yahoo's pipes and now google.Lets wait see for the more user friendly and the ultimate winner.

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