
Dec 25

Jesse Robbins

Jesse Robbins

My favorite iPod accessory is my EFF Membership...

If you are searching for accessories for your new iPod or other music player, please consider membership in the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). The EFF helps people fight abusive file-sharing lawsuits and is working to provide ways for artists to be paid for their work. The EFF helps ensure we have fair use of our media, which makes membership the ultimate iPod accessory.


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Comments: 2

  John Eckman [12.28.07 06:57 AM]

Another good iPod accessory (in addition to EFF membership, not instead of it) is Rockbox, which is an open source, DRM-free replacement OS for your iPod (and many other mp3 plauers): http://www.rockbox.org/

Of course, your iPod running Rockbox won't be able to play iTunes purchased AAC files, but if you stick to MP3 files from eMusic, from Amazon, or from CDs your've ripped yourself, you're golden.

  fak3r [03.07.08 07:59 AM]

Well put, and if you go with Rockbox, look to use ogg even, since you can't with your default firmware on your iPod. I'm an EFF member, and I think anyone who uses a computer should be as well.

Great "I can haz..." image btw!


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