
May 12

Brady Forrest

Brady Forrest

Ignite Where and Launchpad

Tonight we are opening the Where 2.0 Conference with Ignite Where and Launchpad. It's going to be a mixture of 5-minute demo and presentations. The event is open to all-comers (as will the cash-bar). The schedule for the evening is below (full descriptions are after the jump).

First Set: Starting at 7PM
Ignite: Building Personalized Slices of the GeoWeb - Andrew Turner (Mapufacture)
Ignite: Health In the Real World - Steven Hammond
Launchpad The Future of Location-Based Gaming - Georg Broxtermann (Orbster GmbH)
Launchpad: Introducing Whrrl: Real-Time Personalization for the Real World - Blake Scholl (pelago)
Launchpad: Ipoki: a GPS-based Social Network - Alberto Andres, Diego Fernández Domínguez (Ipoki)
Launchpad: TurfTag Launch - Zachary Holmquist (TurfTag)
Launchpad: On the Shoulders of Giants: Bridging the Divide Between Science and Advocacy - Josh Knaer (Rhiza Labs)

Second Set: starting at 8:15
Ignite: Mapping Now: Dynamic Realtime Maps and Other Pictures. - Eric Rodenbeck (Stamen)
Ignite: Who Is in Your Neighborhood? Defining Neighborhood Boundaries & Identifying Localized - Bernt Wahl (UC Berkeley)
Launchpad: The REST is Up to You: A Deeper GeoStack for Better Apps - Jaron Waldman (Placebase)
Launchpad: How to Make a Geographic Wiki - Frank San Miguel (Concharto)
Launchpad: Why Trust Top-Down Data? Building Services on Better Maps. - Nick Black (Cloud Made)
Launchpad: Info at Their Location - Nguyen Le (
Launchpad: Open Space - Ordnance Survey on the web - Ian Holt (Ordnance Survey)

First Set: Starting at 7PM
Ignite: Building Personalized Slices of the GeoWeb - Andrew Turner
User-generated geospatial content has become plentiful as the tools of the GeoStack have become nearly ubiquitous. We're becoming awash in masses of geospatial data and the next question will be how to manage it. This presentation will discuss solutions that have been developed to enable users to find personalized interesting localized content from the GeoWeb.

Ignite: Health In the Real World - Steven Hammond
By opening a geospatial window on patient-entered medical information, PatientsLikeMe is changing the way patients and researchers look at diseases and treatments in long-term illnesses like ALS, MS, and HIV.
Launchpad The Future of Location-Based Gaming - Georg Broxtermann (Orbster GmbH)
The presentation shows how easy it will be to upload and play a LB Game and how item purchasing works.

Launchpad: Introducing Whrrl: Real-Time Personalization for the Real World - Blake Scholl (pelago)
At the nexus of social networking, local discovery and user-generated content, Whrrl combines mapping and micro-blogging technology into a unique social discovery experience. Whether accessed via the Web or mobile device, Whrrl provides users with an entirely new discovery pathway for finding and sharing local knowledge with friends and communities.

Launchpad: Ipoki: a GPS-based Social Network - Alberto Andres, Diego Fernández Domínguez (Ipoki) is a GPS-based social network that allows people to share geolocation data using a small application installed in their mobile devices. Ipoki integrates this data with other social web sites like Facebook, Flickr, Netvibes, or IGoogle. Open Social and Android are the future integrations for Ipoki. Social networks, mobile devices, and geodata are joined in this project.

Launchpad: TurfTag Launch - Zachary Holmquist (TurfTag)
TurfTag is a Social Utility to assist its users in rediscovering the world around them. TurfTag will connect users to their friends in real space, allow location based searching, connect users to events happening around them, and also give a new look at the objects and locations that surround us. TurfTag is about seeing what you are missing . . .

Launchpad: On the Shoulders of Giants: Bridging the Divide Between Science and Advocacy - Josh Knaer (Rhiza Labs)
While they might share common goals, creating easy to use GIS applications that satisfy the needs of sophisticated data producers and motivated (but less skilled) data consumers is no easy task. Issues of trust, data provenance, statistical accuracy, and usability are all challenges that cause collaborative GIS systems for experts and novices to fail. Rhiza Labs CEO Josh Knauer will give an overview of Data Basin, a free online website for the conservation community that is winning accolades from both scientists and advocates for its scientific integrity, robust mapping and analytical tools and ease of use.

Second Set: starting at 8:15
Ignite: Mapping Now: Dynamic Realtime Maps and Other Pictures. - Eric Rodenbeck
Maps are never pefect representations of reality, and increasingly they're out of date before they're finished. Complicating matters, mapping of live phenomena (geospatial or otherwise) is becoming more and more prevelant, and even expected. Looking back to earlier representations of movement can help us figure out how to represent the fluid spaces that mapping is moving in to.

Ignite: Who Is in Your Neighborhood? Defining Neighborhood Boundaries & Identifying Localized - Bernt Wahl
As Internet search and mobile mapping become more granular, location-based services based on neighborhood data can now tailor to communities' needs and demographics more effectively.

Launchpad: The REST is Up to You: A Deeper GeoStack for Better Apps - Jaron Waldman (Placebase)
The free mapping platforms have evolved in relation to a simple set of consumer requirements like getting driving directions, finding coffee shops, and viewing aerials. As developers have hit the limits of capabilities on offer, fewer truly useful new mashups are emerging. The new Pushpin REST API opens the door to more geospatial web applications by providing on-tap, accessible local data.

Launchpad: How to Make a Geographic Wiki - Frank San Miguel (Concharto)
Wikipedia has transformed how people think about collaboration and challenged long-standing traditions about creation and distribution of knowledge. Yet the wiki form has hardly changed in the past 10 years. The next logical step is to enable Wikipedia-style mass collaboration on a map. This presentation discusses the necessary components to make it happen.

Launchpad: Why Trust Top-Down Data? Building Services on Better Maps. - Nick Black (Cloud Made)
Cloud Made provides products and services on top of OpenStreetMap.

Launchpad: Info at Their Location - Nguyen Le ( is a map project based on Google map in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City. In the next two months they will have "crowd source mapping" available for aread that lack GIS data, including Ho Chi Minh city.

Launchpad: Open Space - Ordnance Survey on the web - Ian Holt (Ordnance Survey)
Ordnance Survey - Britain's National Mapping Agency - has launched OpenSpace, a mapping API pushing OS's unique cartography in to the hands of geohackers everywhere. Based on OpenLayers and the Ordnance Survey's hundreds of years experience in top-rate data collection and maps, OpenSpace is perhaps the best API for use in the UK.

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