
May 1

Brady Forrest

Brady Forrest

More On High Performance Websites

Last week Steve Souders, the author of the O'Reilly book High Performance Web Sites and creator of Firefox plugin YSlow, presented his latest website performance findings at the Web 2.0 Expo (I made him promise that he would present new content). He's still developing the final set of guidelines, but here is what he so far:

  1. Split the initial payload

  2. Load scripts without blocking

  3. Don’t scatter scripts

  4. Split dominant content domains

  5. Make static content cookie-free

  6. Reduce cookie weight

  7. Minify CSS

  8. Optimize images

  9. Use iframes sparingly

  10. To www or not to www

As I finish chapters I’ll talk about my findings at conferences. My slides from Web 2.0 Expo last week contain information about the first three rules. In the future I’ll be speaking at Google I/O, Velocity, OSCON, and The Ajax Experience, so please come see me if you’re there. Also, I’ll write a blog post about each chapter. (Posts on Rules 1-3 are coming soon.)

Updated: with the embedded slides from his talk

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  David Kirlin [05.01.08 06:22 AM]

Thanks for posting the author's slides! I really like YSlow, it became a real boon when trying to converse with our Project Managers about why they need their App Devs to streamline their code before spending more money on a barely taxed infrastructure.

  Phil Atio [05.01.08 07:21 AM]

If Steve Souders is so smart about performance, why does his Wordpress blog load so slowly? Even my humble blog stood up to Slashdot. Why can't his?

  Greg Biggers [05.01.08 09:39 AM]

I thought Steve's talk at w2.0 expo was really good. Especially helpful research and conclusions about the various ways to load javascript.

I am trying to get some of our front end engineers to see him at his next speaking engagement.

  Universe [05.02.08 06:37 AM]

In terms of optimizing images, the visit should be a sensual experience. Optimized images - unless done with expertise - can really show their flaws and detract from their intended effect

High bandwidth is becoming mainstream and RAM and processors are more powerful than ever - attractive, high quality images can really allure and invigorate a site's design.

Along with tasteful optimization, perhaps 'image placement' should be considered, so that one can place their images where they will not halt the progress of the page loading, or use image placeholders so that the text can load while the images are gracefully coming into view.

  don delny [05.04.08 04:55 PM]

Universe [05.02.08 06:37 AM] , I'm talking to you, you silly git.

High bandwidth is becoming mainstream and RAM and processors are more powerful than ever

Unless your customers are using an iphone, a blackberry, or a screenreader. Or are in a remote location using a high latency connection like sattelite. Or dialup in rural Brazil. Or are having every third packet dropped at your apartment in Glasgow because Virgin's broadband network is FUBAR and is spamming your router with mis-addressed packets. Or you live in a condo in Washington DC that doesn't have cable and is too far from the main telco to get DSL.

attractive, high quality images can really allure and invigorate a site's design.

You aren't using the English you think you are using. Allure doesn't mean what you think it means. By all that's holy, lose the marketdroid speak and refer to!

In short, Mr. Universe, the heck with you and your stupid advice. When your customers need your product to work the most, it will fail them the most. I bid you Good Day!

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