
Feb 13

Tim O'Reilly

Tim O'Reilly

2008 Presidential Technology Race: Who's Using What?

Tim O'Brien wrote:

"The web site is the new campaign handshake, and I was curious to see what technologies were powering candidate web sites. Whoever puts these sites together has to choose a site that can be developed quickly and can handle intense bursts of traffic, so while you might think this is irrelevant, it tells you a little bit about what technology that the experts trust. And, it is also interesting, because this is one of the only statements that a candidate makes without even knowing about it. McCain doesn't know ASP.NET from Dodd's J2EE, but to us it's interesting. Read on for a table of results..."

Among the headlines:

  • "Linux and Apache are Presidential Material"
  • "Urchin for President in 2008"
  • "Who's Hip to Video?"
  • "Waiting for a Rails candidate?"

And Tim added in email: "And, this weekend, I cooked up this basic Rails mashup: presidentfeed.com. I'm adding the ability to login and "cast your vote". Was going to have a page that tracked the technology of each of those sites similar to the previous post (which is a little out dated... these politicians are fast moving technologists - especially Obama)"

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Comments: 4

  Micah Sifry [02.13.07 11:00 AM]

Tim(s)--Great stuff. Come check out TechPresident.com, where we're tracking not just how the presidential candidates are using the web, but how the web is using the candidates. Some features: we're scraping their MySpace pages to track trends in presidential friending...we're delivering a live feed of citizen photojournalism culled from Flickr...we're looking at how they're using search (would you believe the Republicans are taking more advantage of buying keywords than the Dems?)...and we're about to post a detailed look at their presence on YouTube. Tim O'Brien has done a great round-up on underlying software choices, which we'll add to the mix--thanks Tim!

Micah Sifry

  Ahmet [02.13.07 12:58 PM]

If you watch in France, the use of web technologies is really funny. Segolene Royale made a blog and a website(http://www.desirsdavenir.org/) and Nicolas Sarkozy is buying some domain name (chirac.com, and use some old but new technology: Flash video (but they haven't resolve the Eolas bug...).
N. Sarkosy even use spam but all that is still very funny in my point of view.
All I can say is that I'm sure they put a lot of money but have only a little ROI. But it's hype at least ;)

  Dries Buytaert [02.14.07 01:34 AM]

http://www.chrisdodd.com is a Drupal site -- it's not J2EE-based as far as I can tell.

http://kucinich.us/ is also a Drupal site.

ttp://www.votehillary.org/ is also a Drupal site.

  Ante Vrli [02.14.07 02:03 AM]

Just a side note: you enclosed the whole this text within a HTML-div named "banner", so I don't see anything when blocking ads in Firefox. Now, I don't plan to turn that blocking off, considering you don't need to have this pointless "banner" div over the entire page...

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