
Dec 20

Marc Hedlund

Marc Hedlund

Customer Service is the New Marketing

I've written earlier about liking the people and the project at Get Satisfaction, the wisdom-of-the-crowds company for customer service. They do great work and have a fantastic product going. (Note: since my original post, O'Reilly Alphatech Ventures has invested in Satisfaction, and OATV is also an investor in my company, Wesabe. But I'm on the record loving Satisfaction long before that happened!)

Satisfaction is holding a summit in San Francisco this coming February called Customer Service is the New Marketing, bringing together people and companies that share their ideas about interacting with customers. I'm very happy that they've invited me to lead a panel there on the topic of "Scaling Customer Service," with panel members Heather Champ, Community Manager at Flickr, Frederick Mendler, Vice President, Fanatical Support at Rackspace, and Pratap Penumalli, Consumer Operations Manager at Google.

It sounds like it will be a fantastic event all around. If you're interested in coming, you can get a 15% using my referral code, FOMH. Also, their early registration ends December 31st and prices go up $200 after that, so head over soon if you're interested. And if you do go, please come by and introduce yourself.

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Comments: 4

  Georg [12.21.07 05:04 AM]

good idea, suitable for dif coutries adoptation)))

  thacker [12.21.07 06:37 AM]

What is new about customer service being the 'new marketing'?

  Tony Stubblebine [12.21.07 11:43 AM]

@thacker: not new, but that doesn't mean not worth revisiting. It's cheap to build products these days which means you can start companies with really small teams. Unless you're venture backed (and the lower cost of starting means there's less reason to be) you're not going to have access to brute force marketing techniques. So now is a great time to remind people of other ways.

37signals is the prototypical example with great word of mouth from customers and no direct advertising. Obviously they're a great team, but even newbies like us do well with this approach. A few customer referrals has been all we needed to get our business going.

  Johan [12.22.07 05:27 AM]

Customer service is one aspect of marketing. The whole organization is actually involved in marketing, just that few companies ever realize this.

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