Remix Your PSP

Scarcely five days since it’s U.S. launch, and already the PSP is being remixed as shiny WiFi-enabled browser to go. Turns out the download functionality of futuristic racing game “Wipeout Pure” belies a baked-in web browser. The trick requires a certain amount of DNS and proxy twiddling to do yourself, but you can cheat and surf via the PSP Proxy Portal provided (probably pro-tem) by FugiMax.

PSP has made what seems to be a good play, wrapping a wireless video-to-go MP3 player-cum-PDA (if rumors of a “PSP office” with web browsing, email, and attachment viewing are to be believed) in a handheld game console. While others have tried and outright failed (Nokia N-Gage, anyone?) or met with mediocre uptake at best (I’m thinking of the unfortunate timing of the Tapwave Zodiac), the secret sauce in the PSP is it’s gaming-first attitude: come for the games, stay for the PDA.