
Just heard about the upcoming CodeCamp, which will be held at Reed College in Portland, July 23-24 — a few days before OSCon. The organizers claim:

“Code Camps are (1) by and for the developer community; (2) always free; (3) community developed material; (4) no fluff – only code; (5) community ownership; and (6) never occur during working hours. “We are looking for one-hour sessions, with 15 minutes of question and answer.”

While the event is likely to be Microsoft-oriented, it may be of interest to .Net-oriented open source hackers. I’m not quite sure what the organizers mean by “community developed code” and “community ownership” given the Microsoft focus of the event, but it might be interesting to find out. Maybe some open source hackers ought to submit proposals and see what happens. :-)


Apparently space is limited, and registration is required. The organizers: “You can register for the Portland Code Camp simply by joining the codecamp_pdx group on Yahoo Groups at” And finally, to submit proposals: “Send an email with your proposed topic to We are looking for one-hour sessions, with 15 minutes of question and answer. We want to see more code than PowerPoint slides. We want to see your passion.”

Here’s a pointer to the wiki for a previous CodeCamp held in Boston. Apparently, there’s an effort to have lots of local groups organize these events. [Note: in my original posting, I ascribed the event to Microsoft only. While Microsoft is a sponsor, it appears that the event is not officially a company event. In fact, see comment below – looks like the organizers would love talks on Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Python, etc.]