Compliments on Make from Steve Riggio

Out of the blue, I got some very nice email about Make from Steve Riggio, the CEO of Barnes & Noble, which he kindly has agreed to let me quote:

Good luck with your new publication. It is one of the most innovative new magazines I have seen in a long time…. What I really like about what you have done is the web site and blog. The forum you are creating for people’s creativity is nothing short of astonishing.

We’re really appreciative of the support we’ve had for Make from Barnes & Noble (as well as Amazon and Borders!). All three accounts are carrying it not just as a magazine, but also as a book (since we believe it has “keeper” value long beyond the normal newsstand shelf life). And of course, we’re also incredibly appreciative of you, our readers, who’ve made it such a success out of the gate. We’ve never been in the magazine business before, but we have been delighted with the uptake and the enthusiasm — and the contributions from readers. So keep the hacks and the kudos coming!