Afraid to tell people what books their developers are really reading?

On the O’Reilly editors list, Mark Brokering writes: “Check out this bookshelf in the Microsoft ad that just ran in PC Magazine“. (Popup image.)

Interesting indeed. The ad, with the caption, “Find tools and guidance to defend your network at” features a developer at his desk. On the desk is a shelf full of books. Leaving aside the fact that most of them aren’t security books, what caught our attention was that the three books on the end were O’Reilly books, with the cover of the book visible on the end photoshopped to take the animal off the cover and to modify the title on the spine.

The three O’Reilly books on the developer’s bookshelf were Building Internet Firewalls by Elizabeth Zwicky, Simon Cooper, and Brent Chapman, Jon Udell’s visionary (and before its time) book Practical Internet Groupware, and a defaced copy of Ken Lunde’s bible on Asian multi-byte character sets, CJKV Information Processing. The blowfish is wiped off the cover — maybe the ad agency had a bad experience with sushi — and the title changed to CJKK Information Processing. Fortunately, anyone in the computer industry will still recognize them as O’Reilly books, and perhaps have a small smile at Microsoft’s expense.

Hey, it’s a multi-platform world!

P.S. It’s in the latest issue of PC Magazine (the one with Desperate Housewives on the cover), page 48-49.