Lego to Open Source the Mindstorms NXT OS

Soeren Lund, director of Lego Mindstorms NXT, today announced at our CustomerMade conference in Copenhagen that the Mindstorms NXT operating system is to be open sourced. This is just the latest evolvement in the saga of Lego’s transition into a true customer company. As Danish Internet pundit and CustomerMade interview host Claus Dahl put it, Mindstorms NXT would be totally Web 2.0 were it not that the product is stuck in a case on a shelf.

We expect to have Soeren join us at EuroOSCON in Brussels this coming September in the trail of the Mindstorms NXT August release. Reportedly, Lego has been selling 3.000 units a week in pre-orders in the US alone, making NXT a candidate for primetime mindshare in 2006.