Wireless Networks for the Developing World

The need for wireless connectivity is increasing. This is especially true in developing countries that are lacking in infrastructure. Rob Flickenger, former O’Reilly editor, is currently publishing books to assist with this need. His first can be found at WNDW.net and is entitled “Wireless Networks for the Developing World”. It’s available as a free PDF (40K downloads so far). It leads its readers through the design and security of a network to building low cost hardware. Work on the book has continued on the site’s wiki where the community has been adding case studies and links to other online wireless resources.
His next book is being funded by an NGO. The book will be about bandwidth consumption. Commonly sysadmins in developing countries do not know how to manage their assets efficiently. They have satelite connections and they run their entire network through them. This book aims to teach them what to run locally and help them save on their bandwidth bills.