Fast-Forward for Friday, October 20

  • Planes are fantastic for spreading disease and knowledge of bad movies. You’re trapped in an enclosed, stifling space, and the air and the movies are both recycled from other people’s leftovers. I noticed this at lunch today — we were talking about “28 Days,” which we all knew from having seen it trapped on a plane. Product idea: portable DVD player strapped to an oxygen tank.
  • A friend asked for advice getting the attention of a very busy investor. “Simple,” I replied, “write him an email where what you want fits on a single Blackberry screen. And make it funny.” I couldn’t find a reference for how many characters of body text show up on a Blackberry screen — anyone know?
  • As usual, I like Paul Graham’s startup advice — his “18 Mistakes that Kill Startups” from this week is great (as was the FOO Camp talk on which it is based). I’ll add a 19th — worrying too much. Just go for it and do something you love. Review these mistakes and learn from them, but don’t pin them to the wall. Just go.