Emerging Telephony Registration is Open

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The registration for 2007’s Emerging Telephony Conference is now open. Surj Patel and I are co-chairing the conference. We will be examining the effects VOIP, mobility VOIM, and SMS are having on business and culture. We will be asking what happens when all voice traffic is just another data stream, every home has it’s own PBX, and when you no longer need a phone number. Startups, hackers and established players will all have the opportunity to speak.
Om Malik of GigaOm, Jeff Bonforte of Yahoo!, Kaliya Hamlin the Identity Woman, and Martin Geddes of Telepocalypse are all scheduled to speak — with more to come. ETel will be held February 27 to March 1, 2007 in Burlingame, California. Early registration pricing ends January 8th. See you there!