Radar on OriginalSignal


, the handy AJAX start page, has added Radar to its Web 2.0 blogs page. We’re joining great blogs like GigaOm, ReadWriteWeb, ProgrammableWeb, and TechCrunch. You’ll only see our Web 2.0 related posts on OriginalSignal. Thanks Tako Steinz and the OS team!

I’ve been using OriginalSignal for several months. They have a number of collections that feature the top sites in various content areas. OriginalSignal has a simple layout that shows the latest posts from 15-20 RSS feeds on a page. Mousing over a post gives you a short preview. OriginalSignal uses colors to differentiate between new, old, and visited posts. You can use their AJAXy controls to modify the layout, font-size, and number of posts.

I keep the Web 2.0 collection and the 15 Blogs collection in my links bar and check those throughout the day to see if there’s anything new going on. It’s really convenient.
