Call for Speakers for Ignite III (4/5 in Seattle)

Ignite Seattle

The most inventive egg-protector at Ignite; Photo by Bre

The third Ignite Seattle (a Radar/Make event) is around the corner and it is time for you to submit your Ask Later proposal to the next Ignite Seattle! What do you want to tell Seattle in 5 minutes? You get 20 slides for 15 seconds a slide and you can’t control it. If you’re unsure of how it works watch a couple of videos from last time.

To submit a talk please fill out all of the fields in our spartan, but highly functional submission form. Submissions will be open until Wednesday, March 28th. We have room for 14 speakers. I expect there will be more than that proposed. Slides will be due by Monday April 2nd.

We are changing the format slightly for this round. There will be two blocks of 7 talk each with a longer break in between. The first block will begin at 8:30 and end by 9:15. The second block will begin at 9:45 and end by 10:30. We wanted to give people more opportunity to socialize with each other. We will also be using the room much more effectively so there will be more seats and floorspace.

Another change is that we are going to experiment with themes (one for each set).

How will selections be made?

They will be based on content (will it appeal to geeks? is it about a life hack, entrepreneurship, tech ) and what else is in the program. One tip: we found that the best, most popular talks were not straight product demos, but instead focused on personal experiences that could easily be applied to other people’s own project and lives. The suggested themes will help you come up with that sort of talk; don’t pitch your product share something you learned while making it.

You are not restricted to the themes. Talks of all sorts will be accepted, but if you are looking for the proper way to frame your talk, think about one of them.

There will be no repeat speakers from the previous Ignite.

Looking for inspiration?  Watch the videos from last time. Thanks and please submit a talk!

Ignite Seattle is a geek event that combines on-site geekery, sharing, and innovation (and drinking). The next one will be held upstairs at the CHAC on Thursday, April 5th. The Make Event will begin at 6:30; the Ask Later talks will begin at 8:30. Videos and photos from the previous Ignite are available. Admission is free.
