Release 2.0.2: What To Expect

We’re deep into the second issue of Release 2.0, which we’ll mail to subscribers in mid-April. Thanks to all of you for your feedback on our debut issue; please keep it coming.

A topic we’re paying close attention to in the upcoming issue is the relationship between Web 2.0 and financial markets. Tim will be talking about the Wall Street angle at the ETech executive briefing on March 26, and we hope to push forward the story from there. If you have any suggestions for interesting examples of how traditional financial markets and new virtual ones (particularly the emerging Google economy) are relating to one another, please pass them on

Speaking of virtual markets, another topic we’re going to dive into in the next issue of the newsletter is the battle over how many “people” are in Second Life and what’s going on “in-world.” Our research team has investigated and we’re preparing a report that challenges the conventional wisdom.